With each New Year, comes the anticipation of a fresh start. From health-driven endeavors, to revisiting your career choice, to setting out to be a better friend or partner, and even bettering your space in which you dwell …the New Year is the perfect time in which to refresh and renew all things YOU! Whether you are a homeowner or a renter, living in a space that uniquely reflects you is important in feeling like your house is a home. No matter if that means sprucing up your micro-Yaletown apartment, updating your sprawling country estate in Chilliwack, or delivering a simple refresher to your townhouse anywhere between the Fraser Valley and the Okanagan …setting out to affordably refresh your space can be a doable resolution for 2016.   Shop Smart for Furniture by Being Sale Aware Furniture is not usually one of those last-minute impulse buys. Rather, whether buying a bed, a bedroom set, a table or a new sectional, these types of purchases are often considered with a lot of time and thought put into them. However, shopping smart for furniture means being aware of who is offering sales when. One way in which to be in the know, is to ensure you are connected with social media. Modern business practices include this forum as a way of informing the masses of their sales, and they are to-the-minute updates, so you never have to wonder if a sale has already ended, or when one might start. That being said, some of the biggest sales are often offered leading into the New Year months, as furniture stores - such as Jag’s Furniture & Mattress - prepares to launch new items for the seasons ahead. Our warehouse sale in particular, is one of the many sales we have throughout the year. Although, as a warehouse sale, this special event offers up to 70% off all our showroom furniture. So shop smart by buying furniture during spectacular sales events like this!   Keep Current by Upgrading Your Current Look with Accessories Refreshing your space doesn’t necessarily mean you have to purchase big-ticket furniture items. You can also invest in accessories that can turn your sterile setting into a cozy nest. Curtains, cushions, an oversized mirror, throw rug or even a new lamp, can add a splash of colour and personality to your living quarters, and shed light on some of the amazing pieces you already have.   Get Crafty with Your Space Consider painting one of your dining room walls with chalkboard paint, allowing for inspirational quotes to be added daily, setting the tone for your day as you see fit. This can offset any number of dining room sets we offer at Jag’s, giving fresh appeal to your lived in home. Additionally, you can swap the hardware on your dresser drawers, dressing them up beautifully, or turning a dresser that was once used for a girl’s room, into a simplistic brushed metal boys décor. At Jag’s Furniture & Mattress, we want our customers to be thrilled with their purchases, and we feel that by implementing these simple solutions, and taking advantage of the variety of unbeatable sales we offer throughout the year, you can keep you space affordably fresh season after season. So stop by any one of our showrooms in Langley, Abbotsford, Chilliwack or Kelowna, where we would be happy to help you find the furniture you will love, or accessories that will enhance your space for any room in your home!